
Documentary Workshop „Ice and Fire Docs“

„Ice and Fire Docs“ is a creative documentary workshop for Estonian and Finnish filmmakers with international ambitions. Throughout the workshop the participants will work with different aspects of developing, producing, financing and distributing a feature length documentary film. Estonian and Finnish filmmakers are welcome to apply with a film project that is in development or in the production. 

The creative director of the workshop is a well-known tutor Mikael Opstrup from Denmark. The second principal tutor is Jesper Osmund, an internationally renowned film editor and narrative consultant who has edited more than 100 documentaries.

The workshop lasts for a year and consists of three parts. The first and second sessions focus on the development of narrative, visual aspects of storytelling and editing techniques. The last session has a focus on promotion and distribution. 

The joint workshop promotes further film-making ties between the two countries. „Ice and Fire Docs took place for the first time in 2019. It was initiated by the Estonian Documentary Guild and the Estonian Film Institute and is now being organised in close co-operation with the Finnish Documentary Guild. The workshop is funded by the Estonian Film Institute, Cultural Endowment of Estonia, the Promotion Centre for Audiovisual Culture in Finland AVEK and Finnish Film Foundation. 


Eva Kübar
Organiser of Ice and Fire Docs 
Estonian Documentary Guild

Viola Salu
Documentary Film Commissioner 
Estonian Film Institute

Sanna Kultanen 
Organiser of Ice and Fire Docs 
The Finnish Documentary Guild

General info